Vivan Marwaha on millennials in India and the influence of news and media on them | NL Interview

2021-11-10 7

Vivan Marwaha is an author who works on technology projects in emerging markets. He recently launched his book What #Millennials Want, for which he traveled across India and conducted 900 interviews.

Speaking with Manisha Pande of Newslaundry, Vivan explains why he chose to write about millennials in India. They also discuss the dreams and aspirations of Indian millennials along with their #political preferences.

When asked whether the prime minister was a popular figure among his interviewees, Vivian says, “He is incredibly popular among young Indians right now. And what explains his popularity, what are the things that really click for the young when they speak about Modi: he's just such an aspirational person.” He shares the names of other politicians who are popular among young Indians.

Manisha and Vivan also discuss the influence of #news and media on millennials, and millennials’ views on education, marriage, politics and work.


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